A Message from Our President
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ!

Throughout my pastoral ministry, I had heard that going on an international mission trip would be a life-changing event. However, I had no idea how life altering it would be until I got on a plane in September 2010 headed to Kigoma, Tanzania, and the spiritual adventure of a lifetime. Never before had I seen so many people who were so open to the gospel. In just one week, God used our team to lead over 2,600 people to saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I am so thankful that God took away all of my excuses for not going.
While in Kigoma, I had something else extremely profound happen to me. In the midst of this mighty movement of God, He brought me under a deep conviction of our responsibility to make disciples and not just converts. He put a heavy burden on my heart not only to plant new churches “to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8, NKJV), but also to ensure that each of those churches has a pastor who has been equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively disciple new believers. Under the Lord's direction, that burden was the genesis of EPPIC Ministries International. Two-and-a-half years after that first mission trip, I stepped down from the pastorate so that I could devote my full energy to turning that burden into a reality.
If you would like to see your spiritual life raised to a whole new level, join us on an EPPIC Journey for Christ. Not only will your life be changed forever, but you will have an eternal impact on the lives of hundreds of people who otherwise may never hear the gospel and will spend eternity separated from God in a place of indescribable torment. I hope and pray that the Lord will put it on your heart to join with us in accomplishing this epic task to bring epic glory to Christ.
In His Name and for His Glory,
Mike Nelson
Founder and President
EPPIC Ministries International
P.S. Learn about Mike's commentary on the Gospel of John titled The Seven Signs at westbowpress.com.