Every EPPIC Journey is an opportunity for us to step out of our comfort zone and do something that will have an eternal significance in the lives of hundreds if not thousands of people. The heart and soul of each EPPIC Journey is the Mission Point Ministry, during which the U.S. team members, after being given interpreters and partnered with local national pastors, spend six days going from hut to hut and from tree to tree sharing the gospel and winning people to Christ. It is truly a life-changing experience that you will cherish for the rest of your life.
Your team leader will ensure that you are well trained and will provide you with all the information you need, as well as do everything humanly possible, to make your mission trip a safe, successful, and memorable EPPIC Journey for Christ.
Clicking on View EPPIC Journeys will bring up a new page containing the list of scheduled EPPIC Journeys.
Clicking on Register for an EPPIC Journey will bring up a new page containing the list of scheduled EPPIC Journeys and a registration link for each that will take you to the beginning of the registration process for that EPPIC Journey.
Clicking on Manage My EPPIC Journey will take you to the login screen of the software we use to manage our EPPIC Journeys. This software enables those who have registered for an EPPIC Journey to check on the status of their trip and establish a personalized fundraising page that they can use to publicize their mission trip on social media and receive online donations. It is also the tool used by team leaders to exchange trip information with team members. Team members also use this system to update their personal information.
Clicking on EJ Forms and Information will bring up a new page containing downloadable forms and documents needed by each person going on an EPPIC Journey. It will also contain helpful website links that will assistant team members in preparing for their EPPIC Journey.

Makuyuni, TZ - Jun 2017
1,970 Heard the Gospel
1,111 Received Christ

Mikumi, TZ - Mar 2018
3,941 Heard the Gospel
1,322 Received Christ

Longido, TZ – Jun 2018
2,260 Heard the Gospel
1,502 Received Christ