The Bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7). It also teaches us in 3 John 8 that those who help financially support those on mission become partners in their work. Listed below are many ways in which you can become a financial partner of EPPIC Ministries International. All donations are tax deductible and deeply appreciated.
Clicking on Donate to the Ministry will take you to a page where you can make a donation to support the general expenses of the ministry. As a non-profit ministry, we are absolutely dependant on the generosity of people like you to finance this ministry. We cannot exist without your financial support.
Clicking on Donate to Cover the Expenses of an EPPIC Journey (EJ) Team Member will take you to a page that lists everyone who has registered for an EPPIC Journey and has established a personal fundraising page. Clicking on the Fundraising Page link associated with a person on this list will take you to that individual’s fundraising page where you can make an online donation to help fund that person’s EPPIC Journey.
Clicking on Donate to Help Plant a Church will take you to a page where you can give toward helping us to plant a new church, and by doing so, you will be responsible for making an enormous spiritual impact on an entire village for years to come.
Clicking on Donate to Equip Local National Pastors will take you to a page where you can invest in providing local national pastors with critically needed biblical and theological training. This training is vital to ensuring that each new church that we plant will have a pastor who has been equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively win and disciple new believers. It is also training that the vast majority of local national pastors would never have the opportunity or resources to acquire on their own.
Clicking on Donate for Bibles will take you to a page where you can financially help put a copy of God’s Word into the hands of new believers who could never afford to buy one on their own. We need your help to achieve our goal of being able to give every person who is led to Christ during an EPPIC Journey a personal copy of the New Testament in their native language. We also need your help to ensure that each church plant pastor has a sufficient number of New Testaments that he can use to disciple the future members of his church.
Clicking on Donate for Fabric to Make Dresses for Needy Children will take you to a page where your donation will help supply the fabric needed to impact the physical lives of needy children around the world and, in the process, show them the love of Christ.
Ngudu, Tanzania, Feb 2015
During this EPPIC Journey, this team was instrumental in planting 20 churches, sharing the gospel with 7,959 people, and leading 4,271 of them to Christ! God also used them to distribute 4,000 Swahili NTs and clothe 222 children.
Ngudu, Tanzania, Feb 14, 2015
Bible Seminar Graduation Day – 32 pastors trained with each receiving a new Swahili Bible. Each of the 20 church plant pastors were also equipped with 100 Swahili New Testaments.